Useful links
Here you can find a list of websites that I find useful, you might find some of them to be worth bookmarking.
Alternative front ends
Alternative front ends allow you to use a website or a service without it tracking you. Since they are usually more lightweight than the official front ends, they make it possible for you to use them on older and less powerful devices. They can also be used as a way to customize the user experience.
Google Translate
File sharing
- FFmpeg cheat sheet
- Aspect ratio cheat sheet
- Common bugs in writing
- How to get best quality audio using youtube-dl?
- How to run docker-compose up -d at system start up?
- Methods to defend against brute-force SSH attacks
- Awesome Privacy by Pluja - list of services and alternatives that respect your privacy
- MusicBrainz - music metadata database
- Encyclopaedia Metallum - metal bands database